Wednesday 4 October 2017

The Hero's Journey in Thor

The Hero's Journey is a set of events that unfurl in a film that can be a basis of the story. The Hero's Journey is something that can be found in many movies, one such movie is 'Thor'. This is what will be explored here.

In Thor the ordinary world is Asgard as this is where Thor grew up, it's his home and all he knows. In this world Thor is a prince, soon to be King, and respected. He expects people to listen and is confident, reckless and bold. His Call to Adventure comes when the frost giants invade during his coronation, later revealed to be due to his brother Loki, and he must go to stop them from stealing from Asgard. Instead of taking the advice given to him by his father, he insists that it is a deceleration of war, even as others tell him that it was likely just a small factions decision. For this Call to Adventure, Thor needs to act as a King should and not be reckless however he Refuses the Call by deciding to attack all the frost giants for the perceived war deceleration. This decision is reckless and one that could cost him and the friends that joined him their lives. It is further refused when Loki manages to broker peace with the King of the frost giants only for Thor to once again attack when provoked.

For Thor, Supernatural Aid came in the form of his father Odin arriving to stop a war from breaking out between Thor and his Friends and the Frost Giants. Odin establishes his role as mentor here as he reprimands Thor for his reckless actions and banishes him to humanity to teach him a lesson in humility. This leaves Thor in The Belly of The Beast as he now finds himself mortal and stuck in a land he has no idea how to live in. He has reached the lowest point for him, having been banished from his home at the hands of his disappointed father, and he must figure out how to make things get right from here.

The Road of Trials happens while Thor tries to adapt to life on Earth. He is confronted with things and experiences he's never had to face before, as well as customs he doesn't understand. In Thor he Meets The Goddess just before he faces the Road of Trials, as he meets Jane after she hits him with her van. Jane then helps Thor learn how to better navigate Earth and they begin to develop feeling for each other as they do. Thor's quest to become worthy of lifting his hammer is thus delayed as he spends more time with Jane, this is where Woman as the Temptress comes into play.

Thor's Atonement with the Father occurs when he realises his father was right and that he had been too reckless, this is after Thor attempts to break into the Government controlled site around his hammer in an attempt to retrieve it only to be foiled by being unable to lift the hammer. Loki is the instigator as he mentions Odin being dead, even though he isn't, to Thor who begins to rethink his actions. Apotheosis happens when Thor decides to sacrifice himself to save earth, this is because Thor has finally learnt the humility and understanding Odin sought to teach him and has reaffirmed his status as a God. This leaves him with The Ultimate Boon as he is able to lift Mjolnir, his hammer, once again.

Thor then faces the Refusal of the Return as he doesn't want to leave Jane, whom he loves, but he must as Asgard is in danger and he is the only one able to save it. Ultimately he Crosses the Return Threshold and goes back to Asgard to stop Loki from destroying things, only this time he is less reckless about his plan. Thor, now Master of Two Worlds, destroys the bridge connecting Asgard to Earth as it is the only way to stop Loki, even as it leaves him unable to return to Jane. He has made a choice that is better for his land than himself.

Thor, now a wise ruler capable of leading Asgard, has learnt what he needed to and is now a better leader and person for it, he has earned the Freedom to Live.

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