Thursday 3 May 2018

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Environment Ideas 1

Environment Ideas 2
For the environment there needed to be a river as Orihime and Hikoboshi need to be seperated by the river. In the original story the parents of the two place the river between the couple, however in this version I have interpreted this to be a bridge the parents destroy thus preventing the couple from meeting across the river. As such a bridge to cross the river is something I needed to consider in the environments. On one side of the river will be Hikoboshi's farmhouse and the other will be where Orihime sits to weave.

Props for Hikoboshi 
For Hikoboshi's props I knew he needed something to be farming with. For this I decided either a stick to herd cows and sheep with and one that's for carrying water would be good choices. I like E and G from the water bucket side and B and D from the herding side.

Tree Design 1 

Tree Design 2 

Tree Design 3 
For the design of the tree's I didnt want to stray too far from the Sumi-E artstyle however I wanted to add some colour to it. I found that the second set of tree's were too coloured and thus it felt as if the brown tones on the bark detracted from the simplicity of Sumi-e. I found that taking the brown away and leaving only the leaves with a highlight of the colour seems to work better.

Tree's in Seasons
I looked at how the different colours from each season would work with this method.

Hikoboshi Clothing
Hikoboshi's clothing is something I wanted to allow for the movements of the wearer. I think the use of the more trouser like Hakama allows for that movement as well as being a clothing item that was used by field workers. I like B more as I think the sleeves look more in line with Orihime's clothing as well as still being able to be tied up for practicality.

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